Solutions Powered By Our Life’s Work

Plugin Tool Kit Solutions,
Affordable, Flexible, Powerful and Easy to use
your Design with

QC Tools
QC Tools
90% reduction in QC time through a simplified multi-level QC process

Productivity Tools
Productivity Tools
80% decrease in specific task execution time, 20% reduction in overall design time

ECM Tools
ECM Tools
80% time-reduction in comparing revisions, 100% elimination of revision history errors

NX Utilization Monitor
NX Utilization Monitor
Provide Up to 35% savings through optimized utilization of NX software

Routing Tools
Routing Tools
30% time-saving in pipe creation even on a basic NX license without any advanced routing module

Downstream Applications
Downstream Applications
70% time-reduction in specific task execution and helps in avoiding costly undetected errors

DFM Tools
DFM Tools
Reduces 50% design validation time and provides reports of the DFM validations

Re-Parametrization Tools
Re-Parametrization Tools
80% time-reduction observed in the creation of basic parametric model
Why CitiusKBE Tool Kit
Designed seamlessly integrate as a ‘Plug-in’ for NX CAD software
Built to have several modules catering to design and engineering requirements across verticals

A fabulous plugin for your NX CAD Software

Extracts more value from your NX CAD Software

Is a Multi-Module Ensemble
Designed with a view to help the engineering organization to extract more out of NX Software
Suite of Utilities Tools addressing CAD/CAM practice needs for organisations.
Solutions to power your

Productivity Focused

Quality Focused

Process Focused

Product Focused

Our Solution in Action
Have a look at our Suites in action. The idea is to give you how this works and how we can help you in your design and engineering endeavours! ​

Who can take advantage of our solutions

Designer/ Draftsman/ CAD Jockey’s
Whatever you are called, this is the magic wand that will help you to balance your work.
Peace of Mind

Peer, Quality Checker, Team leader’s
Perfect Set of Tools to help you to reduce errors and eliminate rework.
Target Achieved

Project /Delivery/ Account Manager’s
Bridging the Gap between the Request and Delivered. Stay focused and deliver Value.
Focus on CORE

BU Head / Organisation
Building a unique value preposition to the customers and gaining employee confidence
Focus on VALUE
Our Story & Life’s Work
CitiusKBE toolkit solutions are plug-in for CAD/CAM software tools like Unigraphics NX to help the customer in accelerated Product Development. Our understanding of various manufacturing processes helps in creating Products that are designed for Manufacture, thereby minimizing the Product Development Costs and making it an attractive proposition.
Over 25 years of synergized industrial experience, coupled with software coding experience has helped us to develop these unique tools that could address the key pain areas of the organizations and provide delight. We usually start small and grow as our mantra, our story has been revolving around the industry and CAD Software from the beginning.
With experience from grassroots designer to top of the organisation, our approach has always been frugal and innovative to support the industry with best in class tailor-made for the various industries. We strive to work with Individuals, Managers, Bu Heads, Organisations and understand their needs and support with our solutions. Not limited to the products that we have, we can support Further Knowledge-based Engineering and Productivity aimed projects.

Improves design experience and expertise of Engineers and Designers
Improve Design, CAD, Drafting and Drawing Quality
Helping the organizations by cutting Design Cycle Times and Costs
Incorporating Company Standard CAD Practices
Provides excellent Reporting & Search Management Tools for the Managers
Effectively utilize the investments on licenses by optimising license utilisation
Our Partners
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