
Product Solutions


Quality Focused

Productivity Focused

Process Focused

Industry Focused

Product Focused

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CitiusKBE Product Solutions

CitiusKBE Product Solutions is a Plug-In for NX CAD Software that works in both ‘Native’ and ‘Managed’ environments to facilitate improvement of Quality and Productivity focused on each area of the Product Lifecycle.

This Solution encompasses features for engineering organizations to adapt and adopt with extreme convenience speed and ease of use for various industries like Transportation, Industrial, Heavy Engineering, Chemical, Oil and Gas, Machine Building, Appliances, Medical end Engineering Service Industries.

Our Solutions and Tools are frugally priced for all sizes of clients from Small organisations to Large Corporations.


Productivity Focused

Product Focused

Quality Focused

Industry Focused

Process Focused

CitiusKBE Product Solutions is a set of utilities addressing CAD/CAM practice needs for engineering organisations to provide best in class solutions to cater for a wide variety of applications
Improves design experience and expertise of Engineers and Designers

Tailor Made Solutions to suit Industry Design and Engineering process industry

Industry Design and Engineering process

Incorporating Company Standard CAD Practices

Incorporating Company Standard CAD Practices

Provides excellent Reporting & Search Management Tools for the Managers
Search Management Tools
Helping the organizations by cutting Design Cycle Times and Costs
Helping organizations by cutting Design Cycle
Effectively utilize the investments on NX licenses by optimising license utilisation
NX licenses by optimising license utilisation

Quality Focused

  • Quality can reduce risk or incompatibility issues / increase compliance, security, safety, productivity and performance.
  • Quality can increase customer experience or customer satisfaction or Net Promoter Score (NPS).
  • Quality can reduce total cost of ownership (a product / service can be costly at out front but due to its quality – it can attract less support / patches / maintenance cost that can drive down the TCO).
  • Quality can increase a product / service revenues, market share, competitiveness or / and profitability.
  • Quality strengthens a product / service brand name (this in turn can reduce advertising / promotion costs).

Design for Manufacturing Tools

DFM tools validate NX models from manufacturability perspective. Supporting to Improve the quality for NC programming, Tool Design, MFG and other Aspects

Check Twice and Cut Once.

Pre-set your CAD Standard

Delight to have a uniform Standards for the Organisation, this tool helps to Setup and automation of standardised templates for creation of 3D and 2D data across organisation.

No data is complete without standard

Dynamic QC Tools

A powerful suite of tools to automate quality check of NX cad data using user defined QC Acceptance criteria. Capable of checking and validating 150+ Test parameters in NX Part / Drawing / Assembly

“Anything worth doing is worth doing right the first time.

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Productivity Focused

Maintaining and improving productivity of product design and engineering processes has been a paramount challenge for design-driven companies, which are characterised a high degree of development of products and processes in order to meet particular customer requirements

We come across Various Statements from Different Industrie

  • Productivity is the mentality of progress, of the constant improvement of that which exists.
  • The certainty of being able to do better than yesterday, and less well than tomorrow.
  • It is often said as will to improve on the present situation, no matter how good it may seem, no matter how good it may really be.
  • It is usually the continual efforts to apply new techniques and new methods

ADMIN Module

Unique suite of tools to customize the Tool Kit, requiring no programming knowledge. It is easy as the statement.

If you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there.

Design Tools

Productivity tools help in automating repetitive complex features leave and saving time. If repetitive things can be done in a click of a button or few, we can focus on new things. There is no dearth for work, the harder you dig the better it comes.

Repetition doesn’t create memories. New experiences do.

Routing Tool

Knowledge and Experience can create a Rule-based design, which can achieve more wonders with few steps.

“The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.”

Batch Module

Unique suite of tools to customize the Tool Kit, requiring no programming knowledge. It is easy as the statement.

For every minute spent Automation, an hour is earned.

Re-Parametrization tool

Automatic creation of parametric models from STEP files, to support tool room requirement of parametrization.  Parametrized model can subsequently be used for Die / Mould design.

“Automation is cost cutting by tightening the corners and not cutting them.”

ECN Tools

Engineering Change Management Tools (ECM) Helps you to do a quick check and Comparisons.

“Data really powers everything that we do.”

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Process Focused

  • CAD-centric companies are the ones who rely heavily on design and engineering work to support their business. They generate a lot of CAD data, and eventually this CAD data becomes a real pain to manage effectively with manual processes. Things get lost, data is hard to locate, design reuse is only marginally successful, and the release process has a lower level of confidence.
  • Process-focused companies already have systems in place to address these topics, but they are often not optimized, and usually not connected.  They tend to be their own individual silos of work or information, which slows the overall “get to market” process, and reduces the overall effectiveness of the business.
  • Our process-oriented knowledge-based CAD handling is realized which can achieve the automatic modeling and assembling of the main part of a reducer product during process design. By the implementation of combining KBE and process design technology, the design process of a product is managed and becomes more efficient and stable.

Design for Manufacturing Tools

DFM tools validate NX models from manufacturability perspective. Supporting to Improve the quality for NC programming, Tool Design, MFG and other Aspect

Check Twice and Cut Once.

Search Management Tools

A powerful tool promoting cad data re-use, with the search facility based on part attributes / part geometry / part features.  A Suite of Tools to Search CAD Data in an Intelligent & Effective Manner

“Simplicity boils down to two things: Identify the essential, and eliminate the rest.”

Down Stream Applications

A Process Focused Suite of Tools to Use CAD Data for Down the Line Applications like FEM/FEA, Machining and tooling requirements for various Manufacturing Process.

“Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.”

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Industry Focused

Standards and Approach to Design and Engineering is different in each industry and it is important that we respect the approach adopted by each industry. Engineering and management firms face a set of highly specific challenges, including a complex regulatory landscape and increasing competition in a global marketplace.

Our Solutions and Products are focused to support any type of Industry, it is typically that any organisation using CAD systems for Design and Engineering.

Our Solutions can help to deliver

  • Decrease in error percentage
  • Decrease in effort
  • Saves Time
  • Easy to edit
  • Code re-use
  • Improved accuracy


Satellite and Communications



industrial machinery

food & beverages

Oil and Gas


Quality Management Tools

CAD Quality Management using Quality Tools

“Anything worth doing is worth doing right the first time.”

Standardization and KBE Tools

Company Wide Parameters and Standards Deployment

“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.”

License Management

Department wise, Team wise Licence management and Productivity Focused

“The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.”

Flexible Design & Assembly

Down Stream Applications to suit Any particular product and Industry

“Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.”

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Product Focused

  • Often Solutions are created merging of object-oriented programming, artificial intelligence, and computer aided design.
  • The Specially Design systems aim to capture product and process information to allow businesses to model engineering processes, and then use the model to automate all or part of the process.
  • A product model represents the engineering intent behind the product design, storing the how, why, and what of a design.
  • CitiusKBE product model has also used information outside the traditional environment, such as physics-based analysis, databases, spreadsheets, legacy programs, and cost models.
  • Our Solutions and Products provide far more power and flexibility in the development of design automation systems. The systems are designed to allow complex rules, heuristics, artificial intelligence, and agents to be embedded in the system

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Pressure Vessel Toolkit constituants

Pressure Vessel Toolkit constituants

Lifting Lug Design

Automatic specification of lifting lugs parameters & positions 

Nozzle Design

Nozzles of various Specifications on the Shell / Dish Ends

GA Drawing + BOM

Automated creation of DGA drawing and BOM

Shell Design

Boiler Shell / Boiler Dish Ends / Boiler Saddles

Detailed Mfg. Drawings

Automated creation Detailed Manufacturing drawings

 Pressure Vessel Toolkit

Pressure vessel 


Provides Facilities to Automate the 3D Modeling / Manufacturing Drawing Generation

Automatically Create the

  • Boiler Shell 
  • Boiler Saddles Nozzles of various Specifications 
  • Lifting Lugs

3D model simplification for FEM, multi-spindle drilling program generation are salient features

Automatic Generation of Manufacturing Drawings:

  • Boiler GA Drawing + BOM
  • Detailed Mfg. Drawings for Assembly and components

Elimination of Errors in Design calculations and assigning Parameters

Faster Model Creation & Drawing Generation Processes

Manual errors Eliminated
Increased Productivity of the

Designer / Draughtsman


Satellite Design constituants


Satellite Design constituants

Packages Placement / Fixing

 Automatic Placement, Validation & Fixing of Packages on Panels

Packages Library

Creation & Categorization of Packages Libraries

Satellite Routing

Automated creation of Satellite Wire Harness, Wave Guides, Piping & Heat Pipes

Satellite Structure

Satellite Structure Panels / Shear Webs / Brackets

Satellite Drawings & Reports

Automated creation of Satellite Drawings & Reports

 Satellite Design Toolkit


Design Toolkit

Provides Facilities to Automate the Creation of Satellite Structural Assembly
Provides facility to qualify & categorize new packages to be assembled, fixed to the satellite structure, after proper validations
Provides facilities to create oxygen & hydrogen fuel plumb lines, wire harness, wave guides and heat pipes
Automatic Generation of Drawings & Reports:

  • Drawing + BOM
  • Detailed Mfg. Drawings for Assembly and components​
Very intuitive and quick facility to speed up the satellite structural design
Enhances the ease of use, eliminates the tedious manual tasks, improves design quality
Streamlines the routing process, leading to an enhanced designer productivity
Reduces the manual errors in drawing / reports creation and shortens the design-to-manufacturing times


Admin module

Enables adaptation of the CitiusKBE TOOL KIT which can be transformed into your own. (Rebranding, Adaption, Customizing to companies requirements)


This suite of tools help in acceleration of the design process and validate the design of Parts, Large Assemblies and Manufacturing Drawings.

DFM Tools 

Validate your design for Design for Manufacturingwith quick tools before the material is cut.

Organise CAD Data

Customise, Organize and Collate design data from divergent design groups based on company Standards​


Automated CAD quality in 3D and 2D modes with instant feedback enabling reduction on Re-work and mistakes.

Search Features

Intelligent search feature helps avoid duplication within the parts database.

License Monitoring

Monitors NX utilization of licenses, across the organization and helps in improving utilization and optimizes investment in NX software

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